New Year, New Day, New Page!

Dr. Ngo Taffe, Ph.D.

I don’t know about you but 2020 kicked my butt! It deprived me of the joys of spending time with my loved ones, kept me dealing with the constant worry and fear of catching a potentially deadly virus, worrying about keeping my family and friends’ safe, job security, the ability to freely move around mask-less, and of course the inconvenience of running from store to store in search of paper towels and toilet paper!

And yet here we are! We made it to a new day, a new year. We get to leave parts of the past year behind and make decisions that will help shape this year. In the past year, we have learned that though many things are beyond our control, i.e. the pandemic, there are aspects of our life we can still mold and we can find joys in the little things. As we step forward into the New Year, let’s deconstruct the traditional New Year’s resolution. Consider some of the lessons we’ve learned:

Gratitude: In as much as the past year and for some, the past several years have been challenging, we made it to 2021! We get to see a new day and we have the opportunity to try something new, something different, to start over and for that, I am grateful. I still have the chance to get things right, to – like they say, smell the roses and see the first snow fall of 2021.

The Smallest things Matter: This year, I am choosing not to engage in any grandiose new year’s resolution. No promises to join a gym and go five times a week! No resolutions to lose 15 pounds! Rather, this year, I choose to listen to my body, to be kind to myself, to nourish my body, mind and soul. I’ll be more intentional about taking time to relax, to enjoy a nice meal with friends and family and to take the time to listen to and enjoy good music. 

Be Kind to Me: We all possess unique traits, skills and abilities that make us who we are. These unique traits helped us persist through the years and especially though the past year. And so, I plan to spend time focusing on these traits, perhaps honing a few of them and dusting off/rediscovering others. Concentrating on skills that bring me joy, letting go of conflicting thoughts and emotions and forgiving myself in areas I fall short.

Lastly, I will spend a good portion of my time Visioning – Dreaming of a time, after the pandemic when we can travel, mask-less and free! Where will I go? what will I do? A trip to the shores -exploring light houses? A trip to a thousand islands? A hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia? 

I know we still have a ways to go before the pandemic is over. There will be stressors along the way, there will be challenges. But just as we did in the past year, step by step, breathe by breathe, heads down in gratitude and focusing on what’s to come, we’ll persist!

In solidarity,

Dr. Ngo Taffe